Tree of Life Woman’s Program
Equip. Encourage. Empower.
Tree of Life Women’s Program
A one-year residential program for battered and addicted women that provides refuge, training, and a faith-based, 12-step program.
The Tree of Life program provides women support, education, and resources needed to live independent lives free from addiction and violence.
We believe that by investing in the women in our region, we are investing in the future of our community! The majority of the women who come to the Tree of Life have been homeless, are addicted, and have experienced some form of abuse (physical, sexual, or mental.) CareCenter Ministries provides an all-encompassing program that seeks to heal these women and restore their stolen dignity.
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, But when the desire comes, it is a tree of life.
— Proverbs 13:12 (NKJV)